We firmly believe that a planet free of plastic pollution will be achieved far more quickly
and effectively through collaboration at multiple levels. Our extensive work with schools
around Australia would not have been possible without support and assistance from local
government, community groups, environmental organizations, passionate individuals – not
to mention the amazing school staff and students!
We love to share a platform and collaborate with other like-minded
organisations to support each other, broaden our reach, provide a more innovative
and multifaceted service and, well, just because it’s a lot more fun!
Here are some of the wonderful organisations with whom we love to collaborate.
We can highly recommend that you explore their website and the services they offer.
Boomerang Bags
Boomerang Bags was founded by two very passionate and humble Australians, Tania, and Jordyn. Today there are over 1000 Boomerang Bags communities in over 25 countries.
Boomerang Bags works to reduce the use of plastic bags by engaging local communities in the making of Boomerang Bags – community made bags – using recycled materials. Boomerang Bags provide a free, fun, sustainable alternative to plastic bags. By getting involved with Boomerang Bags, you are participating in a national movement that celebrates a local grassroots initiative, community building, and sustainability.

Seaside Scavenge
Seaside Scavenge was founded in 2014 by the energetic, vivacious, and passionate AJ Linke who has now held 75 Seaside Scavenge events worldwide and going stronger than ever!
A Seaside Scavenge is a unique community clean-up event where participants scavenge for litter around local waterways and parklands. Every piece of litter is of equal value since none of it belongs there in the first place! Every 10 pieces of litter earn the Scavenger a Trash Token. These tokens are the currency accepted in our pre-loved, pop-up markets. At the Seaside Scavenge, there is always live music, educational talks, competitions, and a great vibe!

Traveling Trash Troupe
The Travelling Trash Troupe is a collaboration between three organisations, Boomerang Bags, Seaside Scavenge and Plastic Pollution Solutions. We interweave our unique programs to deliver a three-pronged approach to litter reduction and single-use plastic awareness over three days in your community. Our aim is to inspire, enable and empower community collaboration through education, action, and ongoing initiatives bringing lasting, positive change to your region and environment.

Tangaroa Blue – The Australian Marine Debris Initiative
Tangaroa Blue Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation focused on the health of our marine environment, and coordinates the Australian Marine Debris Initiative, an on-ground network of volunteers, communities, organisations and agencies around the country monitoring the impacts of marine debris along their stretch of coastline.

The 5 Gyres Institute (USA)
The 5 Gyres Institute, for a planet free of plastic pollution, is a non-profit organization dedicated to researching the issue of plastics in the world’s oceans, and engaging communities in systemic change. They provide Plastic Pollution Solutions with regular and reliable information and news on the state of the world’s oceans in addition to reports and findings from their most recent expeditions.

Surfrider Foundation
A registered not for profit sea-roots organisation dedicated to the protection of Australia’s waves and beaches through Conservation, Activism, Research and
Education C.A.R.E.
Rise Above Plastics is designed to eliminate the impacts of plastics in the marine environment by raising awareness about the dangers of plastic pollution and by advocating for a reduction of single-use plastics and the recycling of all plastics.

Bottle For Botol
Bottle for Botol is a social enterprise that works with Australian and Indonesian schools to help prevent plastic waste from entering our water streams, rivers, and oceans. Our program aims to educate students on the importance of protecting our environment by leading a generational change away from single-use plastics. For every stainless-steel water bottle sold by our Australian partner schools, we donate the same re-usable bottle and water station to an Indonesian partner school. Every bottle sold puts students through an educational program about the impacts of plastic on the environment.

Get in touch
We can facilitate and coordinate a range of creative events
and activities which will enable your school or community group
to bring positive and lasting change!