Teacher/Student Resources
On this page is a collation of resources related to plastic pollution that teachers and students may find useful. Many of the following short videos were played during our presentations and there are also some that weren’t! We have included links to other cool organisations and a whole lot of articles and research examining different aspects and layers of the issue.
In case you missed it, you will find a comprehensive outline of the problem and its causes here along with a commentary about the role of recycling in the global solution to plastic pollution.
Micro Plastic In Fish
(The Plastic Bottle Raft)
The Bag Monster
Breaking Up With Plastic
The Adventures of
Rusty Swordfish
The Townsville
Turtle Hospital
Zooplankton Eating
Micro Plastic
Midway Island
by Chris Jordan
The Story Of Stuff –
Micro Fibres
The Story of Stuff –
Micro Beads
The Story of Stuff –
Seadragon Entangled
in Plastic
Give Frank A Break –
Frank Woodley
Other Resources
Tangaroa Blue –
The Australian Marine
Debris Initiative
This is where you will find Australia’s official plastic pollution database. You or your class may have participated in a Litter Audit and this is where your litter data has been logged and can be retrieved. You will also find a lot more information and many other useful resources here.

Plastic Free July
Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Will you be part of Plastic Free July by choosing to refuse single-use plastics?

The 5 Gyres
Our mission is to empower action against the global health crisis of plastic pollution through science, education, and adventure. Our vision is a world free of plastic pollution!

Nude Food Day
Nude Food Day is a worldwide initiative developed to encourage kids and parents to eat well and live well, and help eliminate unnecessary packaging and wrapping that goes into schools

Links to evidence and research can be found here.
Please email us if you have any questions or comments and let us know about any exciting and innovative projects that you, your class or your school are undertaking. We would love to share it with other schools and on our social media pages if appropriate
Get in touch
We can facilitate and coordinate a range of creative events
and activities which will enable your school or community group
to bring positive and lasting change!