Follow-up Activities
Your class, year group or the entire school has now gained a deep understanding of the scale, causes and impacts of plastic pollution. They have also learned that it is totally within their power to be part of the solution. This can happen individually, through day-to-day choices and behaviours and collectively, through ongoing initiatives, projects and educating others.

These activities are more suitable for years 4 to 6, Secondary and Tertiary students however we are open to exploring ways to include younger students if desired. The activities are ideal for specific student leader groups such as Green Teams, Eco-Warriors which often include a range of ages within the group.
Technical equipment
We will require the school to supply one of the following options. Please liaise closely with us as it is vital that ALL students can see and hear the presentation adequately.
- Projector/screen & PA system (and microphone if more than 50 students)
- Or IWB with adequate audio
- Or Large TV Screen with HDMI input and with
adequate audio.
Note: We require at least ONE STAFF MEMBER to participate and be present during the entirety of these activities.
Citizen Science Litter Audit
Duration: Approximately 2 hours
Venues: Classroom with computer and screen plus a flat area protected by wind approximately 5-10 square meters.
Objective: To ascertain the amount and types of litter, identify problem items, and to discuss and plan source reduction initiatives. (Uses EBL & PBL)
A small group of students will conduct a litter sample on the school grounds (and surrounds if appropriate). Students will then be shown how to sort and count the collected litter and log it onto the national marine debris database contributing to national and global research on the issue. The aim of this activity is to bring students face-to-face with actual plastic pollution in their school, to identify problem items, and to explore how we can begin reducing these through the introduction of new routines, procedures, projects, and initiatives. The data collected will also serve as a baseline for future litter audits and to measure the success of eventual initiatives.
This activity is suitable for ideally 12 but up to 20 students.

During this session, we will:
- Conduct a short litter collection from the school grounds
- Sort and count the litter
- Log the data, analyse and discuss the findings
- Discuss ways to reduce problem items
- Discuss ways to reduce litter in general
- Brainstorm one or more ideas that can be put into practice by the group.
Waste/Bin Audit
Duration: Approximately 2 hours
Venues: Classroom with computer and screen plus a flat area outdoors protected by wind that is a minimum of 10 square metres.
Overview & Objective: By reducing the amount of plastic entering the school, we can vastly reduce plastic pollution generated by the school. To do this we must find out the amount and types of waste, where it is coming from, is it necessary and how it is disposed of. This can also provide opportunities to more effectively manage and reduce the various waste types in general and potentially save waste collection costs! (Uses EBL & PBL)
This activity is suitable for a maximum of 12 students.
During this session, we will:
- Sort and quantify a predetermined amount of all waste types from the entire school
- Determine waste pathways
- Establish baseline data for future audits
- Identify waste diversion opportunities.
- Identify source reduction opportunities.
- Assess effectiveness and explore ways to evolve current
waste management

AUSMAP Micro Plastic Survey
Secondary & Tertiary students only
Plastic Pollution Solutions is an accredited AUSMAP facilitator and can help your students engage in real, ongoing citizen science! Working with the AUSMAP field equipment and methods allows the opportunity for citizens to be engaged in scientific research around your local environment which provides reliable and valuable data. By mapping hotspots around Australia over time, areas of concern can be identified, that can assist with management.
Read more about what’s involved and the method and procedures here.
Source: AUSMAP
Film Screening
Objective: To educate others, inspire and provoke discussion and ideas.
Session Duration: This can vary from 45 minutes to two hours or more depending on film length and the type of event you prefer to run.
Your class can host a screening of a quality, informative, and entertaining environmental film followed by a facilitated Q & A discussion. Our selection of films are thought-provoking and spur inquiry and creativity. This can be held either during school hours or in the evening with parents and community members invited along if so desired. We can also run a MINI FILM FESTIVAL style event which involves a series of very short films chosen for your expected audience. At these events, we can set up a display table of “solutions” and tips for people to reduce their plastic consumption. Please contact us for a list of recommended films and to discuss which film will best suit your expected audience.

iMovie/short film production
This can be created on an iPad/tablet or mobile phone and can complement the other activities outlined on this page. Staff can choose one or two keen and tech-savvy students who also have the skillset and maturity to carry it through well (and mostly unsupervised). Their job is to film and take photos of the entire activity and make it into an iMovie or 1-minute film. iMovie is recommended as it has many templates available which also serves to restrict the length of the film. The final production can then be posted on the school website, social media sites, and sent to any funding body ie; PnC, the local council. You can view past iMovies on our Youtube channel here.
Thank you for the wonderful presentation you held for the year 8 Personal Development Day. The students were engaged…and stayed focused for the whole way through your 90-minute presentation…The short videos and slides will help these students learn ways to help our environment within the Gold Coast Community, beaches, and even within our own school grounds.
I know I left the room wanting to make a difference and I’m sure most of the students also felt that empowerment.
Peter Carroll, Head of Year 8, Marymount College, Qld
Get in touch
We can facilitate and coordinate a range of creative events
and activities which will enable your school or community group
to bring positive and lasting change!